Saturday, August 16, 2008

When Acne Strikes

It’s happened to everyone, and if it hasn’t happened to you, it will eventually. You wake up in the morning and feel the tender spot of a zit forming or see the pimple ready and waiting on your nose. What do you do when acne strikes? No make-up game prepared you for this!

Assess the Situation
If you have a raised spot, it’s going to be pretty clear no matter what you do, although can try to diminish the redness with concealer. If you have a zit that you can feel, but the world can’t see – count your blessings. Don’t acknowledge it and maybe it will just go away.

Wash Your Face
The first step is to wash your face. Acne is caused by oil, make-up and dirt in the pores. If you have a blemish, your first step is to clean it to hopefully remove the dirty stuff and help it heal faster. You should be washing you face with a mild cleanser every night to avoid these little guys, but sometimes they happen anyway.

Use a Toner
Grab your alcohol based toner and a cotton ball to do a spot treatment. Apply a dab of toner to the blemish to help dry it out and finish cleaning out the infected pore.

Don’t Squeeze!
As tempting as it might be, avoid squeezing the zit or pimple. This will actually open the pore up more and could cause infection and a worse blemish. Keep it clean until the spot goes away on its own.

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