Monday, April 16, 2012

Make Up Games and Masques

There are many different beauty treatments you can choose to help relax your face, improve your skin tone and remove blemishes. While peels and creams have gotten a lot of press lately, they aren’t the only popular treatment available. You can even make your own masques at home using ingredients like oatmeal, honey and avocado to cleanse and purify your skin. In fact, the natural masques you create at home may be more effective than anything you’d buy in the store anyhow.

To use the masques, spend some time preparing by showering and washing your hair. Slick your hair back and use a tie to hold it away from your face and throw on some comfortable, relaxing clothing. Then, carefully use your fingertips to smooth the masque onto your face, careful to avoid your eyes and your mouth. Once the masque is in place, relax and lean back while the treatment works on your skin. After a time, you’ll want to wash away the masque and your make up games will be smooth, fresh and bright again.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Make Up Games and Permanent Make Up

There are some make up games that are more permanent than others. Permanent make-up or tattoos on the face are one way that many women are looking to improve their looks in the morning with very little effort. The make up that is applied through tattoos make it easy in the morning to get ready. After all, when you first wake up in the morning your lips would already be pink or red and your eyes are already lined in dark liner so that your eyes are already large and framed.

Permanent make up isn’t usually the only make up you need in the morning if you’re looking to have a totally freshly made up face. A coat of powder would help to smooth away uneven skin tones and a coat of gloss over lined and colored lips would make the bright red lips shine more enticingly. Tattooing on make up games can certainly add color to your face, but they can’t add shine or glitter – those are elements that only true make up games can create through actual cosmetics.