Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Make Up Games and Wrinkles

There will come a time for all of us that our make up games take a hitch. For me this occurred the day I looked into the mirror for the first time and discovered that my face is not as smooth as it once was. In fact it didn’t look smooth at all. I had lines in places I’d never had lines before. I have a few wrinkles and marks at the corners of my eyes and in the middle of my forehead. While it wasn’t enough to make me want to run out and get botox, it was enough to make me think about my current make up games.

I’ve decided that I need to revamp my make up games to accommodate my new skin type. Make up games should project your beauty, and to do this I plan to celebrate my wrinkles as much as possible while preventing more from appearing before their time. Wrinkles are a sign of wisdom and maturity and I’ve got both in spades – or so I tell myself. For my new make up games, I’m going to focus more on playing up my great features and playing down any more unsightly things that come along.

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