Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Make Up Games and Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your make up games go smoothly. When you get enough sleep, you’re able to see the difference in your skin and your facial features. Sleeping poorly at night will give you circles under your eyes, puffy skin and can leave you with an almost bloated look since you didn’t sleep well enough for your body to do its job of purging various toxins and such.

Sleep also helps your skin look refreshed. Your face is your window to the world. The state of your body is often reflected in your facial features. If your face looks haggard and worn down, it’s likely your body is in the same state. If your face looks fresh and rested, you can bet your entire body is feeling the same way. Playing make up games after a night of good, solid sleep is much more fun than after a night of poor sleep.

When you play make up games after sleeping badly, you’ll be trying to hide and fix problem rather than enhancing your natural good looks. But when you play make up games on a rested face, you’re able to enhance your natural glow, line your eyes to let them sparkle and let your zest for life shine through.

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