Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Make Up Games and Glitter

There is a desire among us to sparkle. Perhaps it is left from childhood when we truly did sparkle with body glitter and hair glitter as part of dress up parties. But as teens or adults, glitter should be approached with much more caution. Using glitter can be tricky as you have to walk a fine line between too much shine and just the right amount of emphasis.

Glitter is great in small doses. It is best reserved for nights and special occasions as it symbolizes something fancy and exciting happening. You wouldn’t normally wear glitter to school every day as it is a bit of over kill. Save some sparkling eye shadows or a faint glitter dusting on your cheeks for a dance or a fun night out with friends dancing.

When using glitter, opt for the shimmer factor rather than a true shine. Shimmer catches the light and makes it look as though your face is lighting up from within. Glitter, on the other hand, can be a bright shine akin to a sequined dance leotard. You don’t want light reflected off your face like a mirror – you want it to glow in a healthy, almost magical way.

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