Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Make Up Games and Bangs

Many of us have hairstyles that include bangs. Whether you have short bangs that fringe over the forehead or long bangs that need to be swept out of the way, you’ll need to incorporate those bangs into your make up games if you want your games to be natural.

Bangs that hit your forehead increase the amount of natural oils and grease that hit your skin. The bangs can trap some of that on your forehead making it more likely to break out. If you find this happening, adjust your make up to avoid putting any base or heavy moisturizer under your bangs. You might also sweep the bangs to the side to allow your forehead some air time to clear out some of the standing oils.

If your bangs aren’t causing problems with breakouts, and even if they are you can get them under control. Then you’ll take the next step of wearing make up to accommodate the bangs. Bangs frame your upper face including your eyes. For this reason you need to play up your eyes quite a bit with make up games. Use bold shadows and liner to make your eyes really pop under those bangs.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Make Up Games and Nail Care

While not strictly in the category of make up games, nail care falls into the realm of beauty. Often the two are considered together when you’re planning to do a makeover or get ready for a big day. Taking care of your nails in preparation for make up games is simple.

Getting enough calcium is critical for your nails. You’ll need to drink milk and eat plenty of dairy foods to keep your nails nice and strong. Milk is great to make nails stronger, but if your nails are prone to breaking, there isn’t much you can do to resolve the issue short of special products.

Use strengtheners on your nails. Using special products to keep your nails nice and strong will help keep them solid and free from breaks and cracks. Use a strengthener under your nail polish or on its own if you’re not adding color. Be sure to push your cuticles back carefully as well to protect them and keep your nail bed healthy and happy.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Make Up Games and Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your make up games go smoothly. When you get enough sleep, you’re able to see the difference in your skin and your facial features. Sleeping poorly at night will give you circles under your eyes, puffy skin and can leave you with an almost bloated look since you didn’t sleep well enough for your body to do its job of purging various toxins and such.

Sleep also helps your skin look refreshed. Your face is your window to the world. The state of your body is often reflected in your facial features. If your face looks haggard and worn down, it’s likely your body is in the same state. If your face looks fresh and rested, you can bet your entire body is feeling the same way. Playing make up games after a night of good, solid sleep is much more fun than after a night of poor sleep.

When you play make up games after sleeping badly, you’ll be trying to hide and fix problem rather than enhancing your natural good looks. But when you play make up games on a rested face, you’re able to enhance your natural glow, line your eyes to let them sparkle and let your zest for life shine through.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Make Up Games and Water

Make up games are highly focuses on all manner of skin care and treatment. After all, there is no point to putting make up on skin that is not properly cared for. Caring for your skin can involve a large routine every night with pots and spray bottles of creams and potions, but one of the most essential elements of skin care is sorely overlooked. Water is absolutely essential to keeping your skin healthy and glowing.

Drinking pure water throughout the day helps to rid your body of all kinds of chemicals and nasty toxins. The water helps to move waste through your body and that includes on your skin. Being properly hydrated makes make up games even easier because your skin will be smoother and your expression will be brighter.

To drink enough water throughout the day, you should be focused on getting at least eight glasses of water during the day. While you can technically count other things you drink as part of your water intake, it is best to get your water straight out of the tap to be sure you’re getting enough fluoride (although not too much.) A filter on your tap can help to remove pesticides and other chemicals leaving the good stuff behind.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Make Up Games and Glitter

There is a desire among us to sparkle. Perhaps it is left from childhood when we truly did sparkle with body glitter and hair glitter as part of dress up parties. But as teens or adults, glitter should be approached with much more caution. Using glitter can be tricky as you have to walk a fine line between too much shine and just the right amount of emphasis.

Glitter is great in small doses. It is best reserved for nights and special occasions as it symbolizes something fancy and exciting happening. You wouldn’t normally wear glitter to school every day as it is a bit of over kill. Save some sparkling eye shadows or a faint glitter dusting on your cheeks for a dance or a fun night out with friends dancing.

When using glitter, opt for the shimmer factor rather than a true shine. Shimmer catches the light and makes it look as though your face is lighting up from within. Glitter, on the other hand, can be a bright shine akin to a sequined dance leotard. You don’t want light reflected off your face like a mirror – you want it to glow in a healthy, almost magical way.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Most Essential Elements of Make Up Games

Unfortunately we all get older, but if we take care of ourselves and pay attention to how well we treat our skin, you’ll be able to feel young and look great regardless of your age. The best way to stay young is through proper skin care and make up games.

Go to bed every night with a clean face. But washing with soap is out. Start by removing your make up at the end of the day. Use a gentle cleanser to remove dirt, make up and grease from your face and use an exfoliating agent every once in a while to slough off old skin cells. Then start the real beauty routine. Use a deep moisturizer on your face at night. Moisture is what your skin needs most, but be weary of oily moisturizers that might make you break out more.

Even before you ever see a sign of wrinkles, apply a moisturizing night cream to your face and neck. Include a concentrated eye serum to reduce wrinkles around the eye and to moisturize this sensitive area. A bit of petroleum jelly can relieve dry and tired lips and heavy cream on your hands will protect that sensitive area as well.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Make Up Games and Vaseline

Petroleum jelly, or Vaseline, wouldn’t seem to have a place in your make up games, but it does, or rather it can. There are so many different chemicals in most make up and cleansers your face can react to them. The dry air and the drying effects of many lipsticks can leave your lips parched and cracked. Hands not used to the colder, drier air of winter get parched and your eyelids, the most sensitive skin on your body, seem to suffer the brunt of it.

While there are plenty of lotions that can tackle the problem of dry skin, Vaseline has been a crowd favorite for years. A thin coating of pure petroleum jelly doesn’t have much in the way of added chemicals or fragrances. It adds moisture to your cracked lips and you can even smear it on your eyelids and the entire eye area to remoisturize this tired area.

Use Vaseline sparingly, of course. When using it, a thin coat is best after a very gentle exfoliation of the area you’re trying to treat. Keeping your skin clean and moist is one of the most important aspects of beauty as you age.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Make Up Games and Liquid Eye Liner

The hardest thing to use in a make up box is liquid eye liner. It’s beautiful when it’s applied correctly, but learning to handle the tiny tube of black eye paint is tricky to say the least. To apply liquid eye liner you will need clean eyes. Start by removing all your old eye make up using a good cleanser.

Your next step will be to create a good foundation for the eyeliner. Curl your eyelashes if you’re going to do that before mascara. Before you apply any other eye make up, pull your eyelid very gently to the side to straighten out your eyelid. Don’t pull it so much that it’s in a weird shape, however.

Using very small strokes, lightly line your eye inside your lash line. Your eyeliner should be right next to your eye – not above your lashes like eye shadow. Once your eyeliner is in place, let it dry completely. A dusting of sheer powder will help hold the line in place and you can go ahead and put on the rest of your eye make up.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Best Make Up Games

It is certainly not a secret that I love make up games. I love everything about them, but especially the way you can make such as startling difference for an individual just by using make up. In fact, the best make up games are the ones for those who need them the most.

I hate to think of anyone as less than attractive, but there are some individuals who don’t take as good care of themselves as others. And then there are those who really just don’t know better. Playing make up games with someone who is truly clueless is priceless. Help a friend learn about shaping and tweezing eyebrows. Show her how to match her skin tone with foundation and how to apply eye make up.

Then you’ll also be able to enjoy the final result. There is nothing better than a girl feeling great about herself because she know that her skin looks flawless and her true sparkle and fun is coming through her face. Make up games are powerful things, even if they seem so very simple. If you know how to use make up games well, sharing them with others can be a huge gift.