Saturday, April 25, 2009

Make Up Games – Summer Lips

It’s almost summer – at least according to the calendar, which means it’s time to get those summer lips ready.

Exfoliate Your Lips
Your first step will be to remove the dead, dry skin cells that build up on your lips during the dry heat of the indoors during winter. Use a special exfoliating product to do this or try sugar and water to slough off dead skin cells.

Use Moisturizer
Start using a lip moisturizer of one kind or another every night before bed. You’ll heal the damage of the day and wake up with kissable, soft lips. These make an excellent foundation for the rest of your lip routine.

Add Sunscreen
Find a lip product that included a sunscreen. Your lips have a lot of pigment, but they can be hurt in the sun, too. Protect hem as best you can.

Add Gloss
Lipsticks and glitter are too heavy for the summertime. Instead use a light gloss or moisturizer only to keep your look fresh and natural.

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