Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Three Make Up Miracles

If you’ve ever wondered why some women are obsessed with make up games, you likely haven’t been around long enough to know the secrets of make up. These make up miracles have transformed some women into goddesses – not because the makeup makes that big of a difference, but it can boost their self confidence.

If you want to play up your eyes, mascara for many women and girls is the essential product. Those with light colored lashes especially look dramatically difference once they apply mascara. Even those with dark lashes already can look difference once their eyes pop a bit from a crafty mascara wand.

Most lips have a bit of color already, but for a lot of women, their lips are almost the same color as their skin. This means that they fade into their face and don’t stand out. Putting on a layer of lipstick or lip gloss can make a mouth go from blah to kissable in seconds.

If you have skin problems or skin that tends to be different colors in different spots, concealer can be your best friend. It can hide dark smudges under your eyes, make red spots fade away and even create a smooth complexion when you don’t actually have one.

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