Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Make Up Games and Lipstick

Lipstick is an interesting item to follow over the years. For a very long time it was the go-to item in a woman’s make up bag. You simply didn't leave the house without your lipstick on. Generally speaking back then it was a bright color as well. Then we moved into the frosted lipsticks and finally into lip glosses.  Over the years we've seemed to grow more casual about lipstick and what is considered fashionable and attractive.

Now, I’m pleased to say, we’re going back to the bright lipstick shades of the past. Bright red lips are once again considered sexy and attractive. That makes them an excellent candidate for make up games. As it turns out, not every woman looks good in the same shade of red lipstick. This is why there are so many different shades available.

Play make up games with the sample shades on your pinky finger to find the ideal shade for your skin tone. Then, buy the tube and continue to try out colors at home until you find the one that makes you feel confident, sexy and flirty at work – you’re good to go!

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