Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Make Up Games and Lip Gloss

In the summer months, I’m a firm believer that all we need is a bit of lip gloss. The sun and the fresh air bring a bit of color to your face and your eyes sparkle because they are well rested and there are so many fun things to do over the summer months. So if you don’t need color and your eyes are already popping, all you really need is a bit of lip gloss to make your lips soft and shiny, while also protecting them from drying out from all of that sun.

There is another benefit to not playing any make up games other than lip gloss application during the summer months – you sweat a lot. In my part of the country, we sweat when we walk outside to get the paper. We sweat walking in a parking lot. We sweat letting the dog out the backdoor. I’d rather not be sweating off my make up every time I look outside, so I advise us all to simply not wear it at all – take back the make up games and opt for lip gloss!

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