Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Make Up Games and Great Deals

I recently discovered that you can get really great deals on your make up games. If you’re like me, you’ve been buying make up games for the full price whenever you needed something new to put on or you wanted to try a new look. Make up can be expensive, especially if you’re buying the decent brands, so I would usually only buy a single product or maybe two at a time to supplement my collection. I recently realized though, through couponing, that you can get a great deal on make up.

Every week now as I go through the coupons that come in the mail, I find coupons for make up games. These aren’t flimsy coupons, either – they are usually up to two or even three dollars off the price of the make up. If you wait until the make up items go on sale at your local drug store and then use the coupons, you can save up to half of the value of the make up item as you buy them. That’s a huge savings if you’re talking about $8 for a lipstick or $12 for a blush. Think of how much more you can buy with the savings.

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