Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Real Benefit of Make Up Games

I used to wear make up a lot with make up games. The make up I wore wasn’t heavy or overwhelming, it was more about looking good for myself and feeling good about myself than anything else. Then I stopped wearing it because I was spending so much time outside and it simply faded from habit. I’ve tried to restart many times over, but it’s very hard to do. I can’t get myself motivated to look good for me, and I’m reasonably sure this is about to change.

I’m remembering slowly the real benefit of make up games. I’m much more interested in finding ways to make myself look and feel better than I am in finding ways to simplify my days. I want to do fun things and I want to look good doing them. I bought new make up for some make up games last night and now it’s time to really start putting stock back into my appearance. Maybe I’ll start seeing real benefits of make up games again.

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