Saturday, March 20, 2010

Make Up Games: Too Much Is Too Much

Too much of some things is never enough – too much money or beauty doesn’t seem to really hurt anyone, but too much make up can. When you wear too much make up, your natural beauty can’t shine though and you run the risk of looking a bit caked on. If you have skin trouble, wearing heavy make up can make the problem much worse rather than better. It might comfort you to wear a very heavy layer of base over acne on your face, but you’re not really hiding the acne as much as making it much worse – it’s far better to play up other features on your face and let the acne fade into the background.

Caking on make up has other potentially harmful side effects as well. When you put on layers up layers of make up you run a very real risk of looking like a “painted lady.” If you’re not familiar with the concept, painted ladies tend to come out in the evening and stay out all night. Their paint was heavy make up used to enhance their features. This is the key to quality make up. Your make up should be highlighting your natural features – not overpowering them.

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