Friday, March 12, 2010

Make Up Games for Blank Faces

If you’re like me, you know a lot about wearing make-up but choose not to. Okay, I know there aren’t many people like me, but that’s okay. I used to wear make up all day every day, but the make up games I loved then just seemed to not be especially important to me anymore once I reached a certain point. Of course, I do have the blessing of smooth, blemish-free skin, so wearing make up isn’t absolutely essential for me, but I wouldn’t mind enhancing my look with a bit of make up every now and again, but just can’t get in the groove again.

I’m hoping that by playing some serious rounds of make up games, I’m able to get back into the feeling of the make up and want to start putting some on my face every morning before work. Of course, if I can’t seem to work up the energy or effort for that, at least I know that I still look okay enough to get away with it for now, but I wonder how long that will last as my skin ages and looses a bit of my fresh-faced appeal.

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