Saturday, August 22, 2009

Learning Make Up Games at School

I think it is purely awesome that make up games are being taught at school. And I don’t mean your best friend is showing you her latest eyelash trick at lunch. There are actually classes at school dedicated to learning makeup games and most especially hair games. Personally, I’m a big fan.

Cosmetology and Make Up Games
Unlike make up games you play at home, school cosmetology classes start at the basics and build. These classes go far beyond applying make up. They teach you how the basics of the skin, the layers and the proper treatment of the skin and then the best ways to apply make up. Once you know the proper application and, more importantly, the health aspects of make up games you can go on to learn about other things.

Make Up Games for a Living
It is quite possible to play make up games for a living once you’ve learned the proper techniques and have the right certification. Cosmetology programs teach you make up, skin care and hair care procedures. They also give you the knowledge you need to take the necessary certification tests and become a licensed cosmetologist. Certainly not a bad finish to a high school or junior college course.

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