Saturday, August 29, 2009

Make Up Game and School

It’s time for back to school and for many of us, this means we’ll need to freshen up our make up skills. I don’t know about you, but I spent the better part of the summer lounging about without any make up on to speak of. The idea of pulling all the cosmetics back out of the drawer is a bit daunting, but it will be done. After all, when you start a new year of school, you should always look your best – how else can you be sure you’re making the very best impression on everyone there.

When it comes time for make up games at school, I like to keep it simple. I choose a base and powder combination. Smooth it on a clean face, blend and your foundation is set. Then, I put on a bit of powder blush. If I have time, I’ll spend a few minutes applying eyeshadow in neutral shades. However, most of the time, I just use my eyelash curler and then apply mascara. I finally put on a coat of lip gloss in the flavor of the day and I’m out the door…unless I decide to do my make up for the day at school or in the parking lot.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Make Up Games and Cooler Days

One of the best things about fall is that the days get cooler and the nights get crisper. With this change in the air, it’s also time to change your make up. Make up games will help you determine your best options for colors and styles when it comes to make up. You’ll want to find colors that are suited to the season as well as your own coloring. Blues and purples are out until next summer. In come peaches, oranges and taupe.

Fall is deep into earth tones. If you have olive based skin, this is great news. For those who have pink undertones, look for earth tones in shades of red and pink instead of orange and brown. When it’s all said and done, you should be able to find a nice base, powder, and mascara for all seasons. Change your blush to a bit of a deeper tone and use your eye shadow and lipstick to truly make a difference in your appearance as the seasons change. Richer textures and darker colors will help bring in autumn.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Learning Make Up Games at School

I think it is purely awesome that make up games are being taught at school. And I don’t mean your best friend is showing you her latest eyelash trick at lunch. There are actually classes at school dedicated to learning makeup games and most especially hair games. Personally, I’m a big fan.

Cosmetology and Make Up Games
Unlike make up games you play at home, school cosmetology classes start at the basics and build. These classes go far beyond applying make up. They teach you how the basics of the skin, the layers and the proper treatment of the skin and then the best ways to apply make up. Once you know the proper application and, more importantly, the health aspects of make up games you can go on to learn about other things.

Make Up Games for a Living
It is quite possible to play make up games for a living once you’ve learned the proper techniques and have the right certification. Cosmetology programs teach you make up, skin care and hair care procedures. They also give you the knowledge you need to take the necessary certification tests and become a licensed cosmetologist. Certainly not a bad finish to a high school or junior college course.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Make Up Games and Zits

It will happen to everyone. One morning you’ll wake up and find yourself covered with zits or, more likely facing a single red dot on your chin, nose or forehead. Battling zits can make make-up games much less fun to enjoy and can even make it hard to play those make up games if the zit is painful enough.

Never Pop Zits
Some zits remain as a red dot or even the same color as your skin. Others have raised centers full of white puss. It is extremely tempting to pop a zit, especially once a head is visible. The red and white zip seems to be screaming for intervention, but stop yourself if you can. Popping zits and pimples for that matter is not a good idea. When you pop the zit, you could force some of the gunk back into your pores or introduce new dirt and bacteria through your fingers. These gross things can actually inflame and even infect the zit. In short it will look worse after popping it than it did previously.

Cover Them or Let Them Heal
This leaves you with two choices. If you can’t pop a zit, what do you do with them? You can conceal the zit or you can leave it open to the air to “breathe.” Covering a zit is easy enough. Concealer will leave a dot of color on top of the zit. Blend it into your foundation and dust with powder and your zit is covered.

The other option is to let the zit breathe. Once your zit has a head or is open and seems to have an exposed pore, it would be far better to let the zit sit uncovered so that it can heal properly. Putting make up over an open sore, which is similar to what a popped or raw zit would be, is asking for an infection or another outbreak. Remember, zits can be caused by make up trapped in the pores. Don’t encourage more zits by forcing goo and gunk down into an already inflamed pore.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Make Up Games and Autumn

As the fall season rolls around, cooler temperatures and darker clothing will become the norm. Making changes to your autumn wardrobe is not enough. You need to plan ahead by changing your make up games as well.

Autumn make up is usually defined by earth tones and bold color choices. Wearing make up in the autumn usually means you don’t have to worry as much about sweating the make up off as you do in the summertime and you’ll also need to consider cooler weather and how to apply your make up.

When the cooler weather comes, many people experience drier skin thanks to heaters and lower humidity, so be sure to apply heavy moisturizers before bed (after cleaning your face) and a light-weight moisturizer in the morning before putting on your makeup.

Keeping your skin moist will allow your make up to sit correctly without getting a dry, caked look. Make up on dry, irritated skin can also cause rashes, so pay close attention to the state of your skin each morning. You might need to opt out of powder and base if your skin is irritated.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Make Up Games and the Sun

Playing make up games is not just to create a beautiful look. You play make up games to make yourself first appear older, but then to appear a bit younger than you really are. It is the sun, however, that does the most to ruin this image of youth. The sun can cause all kinds of damage to your skin over time. Any exposure to the sun without sunscreen can have bad results that don’t show up for years.

Freckles and Sun Spots – Freckles show up in your youth thanks to sun exposure. Sun spots begin to show up as you age. These are larger than freckles but are usually the same color. You might find them on your arms, legs, face, neck and hands. These small spots are one of the truest indications of age.

Wrinkles – Gravity and the sun work together to create wrinkles on your face and neck. First small lines appear around your mouth. Then the wrinkles deepen a bit to become lines around your nose, mouth and on your forehead. The deepness and severity of wrinkles has a lot to do with your age as well as how much sun exposure you had in your youth. Protecting your skin on your face, hands, and neck will do the most to keep you looking youthful as you age.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Make Up Games – 3 Ways to Give Your Lips Color

Lips need a bit of color to make your face look lush and healthy. However, not everyone is the same when it comes to the style of lip product they enjoy using. Make up games can accommodate any product, of course.

Lipstick – the oldest and still most popular item for lips, the basic lipstick has changed into different forms with glitter, shimmer, stay-put, super shine and every other variety under the sun. Lipstick is usually a full color put on over the lips. It fades over time and needs to be reapplied to have the same color on your lips consistently.

Lip gloss – a smoother, lighter alternative to lipstick, lip gloss is more youthful with fun flavors and scents to it as well as lighter colors. Lip gloss gives you shine and a hint of color to your lips without going overboard.

Chapstick and Vaseline – While not much for color, you can find Vaseline and chapstick in tinted varieties. Wearing lip products such as these lets your natural lip color shine through and gives you a nice layer of protection against most of the elements.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Make Up Games – Eyebrows

Giving your eyebrows a clearly defined shape is one of the best things you can do to open up your face and give you a more groomed appearance in make up games. Working with your eyebrows can be tricky, however, Before you start plucking willy-nilly, you might have a consultation with a eyebrow specialist at a salon. Find someone who really knows what she is doing and let her shape your eyebrows for you.

Once you have a basic shape to your eyebrows, keeping them trimmed up is simple enough. You can pluck the strays as they come in using a pair of tweezers. You can also just make another appointment with the specialist to have her wax or tweeze your eyebrows again. Doing it yourself is less expensive, but it does have the inherent risk of tweezing a bit too much.

Be careful with your newly shaped eyebrows. If your eyebrows tend to get bush, they might still look that way even after having them shaped. Small scissors or a tiny groomer can help take off the extra length. When you are considering waxing, don’t forget to wax the areas around the eye as well to reduce dark hairs that spring up there as well.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Make Up Games and Your Eyes

Playing make up games at home allows you to experiment with your eyes and gives you a chance to see what combinations of eye shadow, mascara and liner look good with your coloring and style. Playing makeup games at home is one thing, but when you go out during the day, you should understand what is considered an acceptable amount of make up.

Eye Shadow – Eye shadow is fine any time of the day, but when you apply it during daylight hours your shadow should be light and neutral. Save the dark, smoky eyes and shimmering shades of metallic colors for evenings.

Eye Liner – A light brown or gray eyeliner is find during the day. Bold black lines should be saved for evenings, however. This is especially true if you’re using a liquid liner that makes a tremendously bold impact.

Lashes – Finally, fake lashes and tips are great fun to wear, but generally considered best for special occasions or for the evening. Not many people wear fake eye lashes to math class.