Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Make Up Games and Sunscreen

Sunscreen is a critical part of any make up game. Make up games simply don’t work the same way without good use of sunscreen. Sunscreen does more than protect your skin from cancer. It does a great many things both in the short and long term.

Sunscreen keeps your skin smooth. The sun is responsible for much of the damage we suffer as we age. The drying and wrinkling of skin is partially created by overexposure to the sun’s dangerous rays.

Sunscreen reduces brown spots. Sun spots, or brown spots that show up on your face, hands and arms are caused by sun exposure. Protecting your skin early helps to prevent those sunspots later in life, and you’ll be very glad you smeared it on.

Sunscreen is brainless. You likely already put on moisturizer every day, so putting on moisturizer with sunscreen is not a big deal at all. It’s already take care of when you smooth on your lotion. The lotion will keep your skin moist and smooth and the sunscreen will help to be sure it stays that way.

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