Wednesday, September 3, 2008

When Make Up Games Go Wrong

It happens. Sometimes your best intentions go awry, and instead of painting on beautiful lash lines, you’ve turned yourself into Cleopatra complete with thick black sweeps of eye makeup. When you goof with make up games, however, there is little chance of a permanent problem. Most make up games are easy to fix and even easier to get right the next time.
If you look at your face or the face of your best friend after a make up game and realize that you’ve actually created apples on their apples of their cheeks, you’ll want to do a bit of a touch up on the blush. To do this, you can simply brush off some of the blush with your hands before applying more powder to the area and trying again.

If you have a small problem with out of control eyeliner or mascara, a wet tissue might be all you need to clean it up and give you an opportunity to fix the problem.

Sometimes, however, you just need a restart. When something major goes wrong or you don’t like the way things are turning out, wash your face to remove all the old make up and try again with a freshly cleaned slate.

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