Saturday, June 7, 2008

Ease into Make up

It’s fun to play make up games where you give your friends completely new looks thanks to your secret stash of makeup. But when you’re thinking about wearing makeup outside for the first time, i.e. to church or school, you’ll want to take it slow. Easing into make up is the best way to be sure you’re not making the worst make up mistake – wearing too much.

Start with a single item. Your first make up item should be something that makes you feel good without worrying if you’ve applied it correctly. Lip gloss or mascara are the two top items. Pick one for now to test out how it feels. Remember you’ll likely have to reapply your lipliner throughout the day, so bring it with you.

Bump it up. When you’re comfortable with one item, move ahead to two. If you started with lip liner, try a bit of mascara or maybe blush to bring some color to your cheeks. Try out the two items for a week or so before introducing a third – if you want it. Many women, even actresses and models wear only mascara and lip gloss on a given day.

A good third item to consider is a bit of power on the T zone. That’s your forehead, nose and chin – the area where oil can make your skin look shiny. Avoid too much or you’ll look powdery. You’ll also want to be sure you get the right shade to match your skin. Powder, and someday foundation, should blend seamlessly into your skin.

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