Wednesday, June 11, 2008

10 Tips for Summer Make Up

1. Skip foundation. Opt for tinted moisturizer instead. It’s lighter and more youthful anyway.

2. Absolutely apply a moisturizer with sunscreen every morning. The sun and hot air will dry out your skin and give you skin damage unless you protect yourself.

3. If you’re outside more than just walking too and from the car, apply a heavier sunscreen to any and all exposed skin. Sunspots aren’t a girl’s best friend.

4. Keep power handy to dab at the shiny spots that appear on your face. A healthy glow is different from an oily one.
5. Keep colors light and bright. Dark tones are best in the cooler months. Summer is about brightness, so think light!
6. Throw away eyeliner. It’s much too heavy for the light and airy summertime months.

7. Invest in a good waterproof mascara. Apply it every morning and it won’t matter if you’re running through the rain or getting tossed into a pool unexpectedly. Your eyes will look great either way.
8. Find a good lip gloss with sunscreen. Hey! Lips get burned, too. Protect them with a good lip moisturizer that has some serious sun blocking power.
9. Wear a hat. Hats are cute and stylish. They also help to keep the sun off your face and hair. The sun is terrific – except when it’s causing major damage.

10. Skip the tan. Unless it’s something you spray on, any kind of tan is dangerous. You might look bronzed now, but someday you’ll just look wrinkled and spotty. Ew!

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