Monday, September 3, 2012

Make Up Games and Sales

This isn’t the season to find the best sales of the year on make up. Those days are right around the holiday season. But this is the time of the year when you can enjoy trying out new sorts of make up to decide what you like and what you want to buy when it does go on sale. Consider the crowds in December. Clinque may be having the greatest sale of your life, but you’ll have to force your way through the crowd to buy anything, and how do you even know what to buy?

To determine your best choices, you should do your browsing now. Understand that this means you’ll likely need to buy a few small things, but you can save the big purchases for later this year. Have your make up done at the counters to learn about the different items and to see how they work. Right after school starts is generally pretty slow in the department stores. Bring a friend after school to get your make up done and you’ll be able to get attention and ask all of your questions about items. Then, you can grab them when they really are on sale this winter.

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