Monday, February 6, 2012

Make Up Games and Eyeshadow

Eyeshadow has some outstanding potential for make up games. There are so many different colors and textures with eyeshadow and you can spend hours just playing around with the different shades and shines. And, of course, with make up games, this is exactly what you should be doing if you’re looking to learn some new techniques. The best way to learn more about make up games is to simply start experimenting with them.

Start your eyeshadow experiments with a good mirror and a steady hand. A large palette of eyeshadow shades can help as well. Keep a few magazines or websites nearby with good tutorials on how to put on different sorts of eyeshadows. The goal, of course, is to learn some great techniques that you can use on your own first thing in the morning while you’re getting ready for school. You can do that very well if you’re not already experienced with the sorts of eyeshadow that you own – for make up games especially, practice makes perfect.

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