Saturday, June 5, 2010

Make Up Games – Eyeshadows

There is a thing about colored eyeshadows right now. Everyone is wearing bright sherbet colored eyeshadow and it’s fun to see so many bright and fun colors, but it does make you wonder a bit if everyone realizes what looks best on their face. While having neon green eyelids is great fun, it might not be that flattering. It certainly calls attention to the eye, but it probably isn’t as attractive as using more neutral shades.

With that being said, the best time to explore the bright, fun colors available in eyeshadows is while you’re young. You can have fun playing with bright pink and blue eyeshadows in school a lot more easily than you can if you’re out in an office building somewhere. Go wild and crazy trying new things and buying new colors to try out with friends. But while you’re practicing with those bold, fun colors, be sure to learn and practice applying the neutral shades as well should you even find yourself heading to a job interview where purple eyelids might not be your best option for getting the job and impressing the boss.

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