Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Winter Make Up Games and Skin

When winter rolls around, there are two things that do a number of your skin. The cold, dry wind that blows around every day saps moistures from your skin and can chap your lips, cheeks and even eyelids. The more sensitive skin chaps easily and will need special care to not only prevent the chapping, but to stay even more moisturized to keep things fluid and lovely.

The second problem with winter skin is the heater that keeps you warm. When the heater turns on over and over again during the day and night, all moisture from your skin seems to be leaking away as you’re washed in hot, dry air. Buy a humidifier and put it next to your bed to help your skin stay moist and lather up in a heavy moisturizer every time you take a shower. You’ll need heat in the cold weather, but you can turn the heater down a bit and throw on a sweater to keep some of that intense drying heat away.

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