Saturday, February 14, 2009

School Bathroom Make Up Games

If you find yourself in the school bathroom every morning applying makeup, you’re certainly not alone. Mornings are too early and to get the maximum amount of sleep, sometimes you have to skip right over things like make up until you arrive for the day. When you’re ready to put on makeup, you might very well be crowded in with fifteen other girls all trying to look in the mirror, so your make up routine should be as simple as possible.

The Basics
For school, stick with the basics. This will cut down on your time jockeying for position by the bathroom mirror and it also keeps your look simple during the day. Start with a bit of light foundation and then a dusting of powder. Apply some blush and then a bit of eyeshadow. Use mascara to make your eyes pop just a bit and a coating of lip gloss should finish the look.

Tips for Success
If you can, master your basic makeup well enough to not need to use the bathroom mirror. If you can use the mirror on your powder compact, you’ll save yourself more time and also not have to push and shove with so many other girls at the same time. This alone is a true blessing when holding a mascara wand.

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