Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Learning From Make Up Games

The best games to learn from are make up games. In many cases, when you see someone wearing make up, you know they have it on, but you can’t always pick out exactly what she has done to make herself look so good. Online make up games can make it much easier to find out exactly what steps she took.

Make up games make this much easier however, but showing you exactly what a face looks like before and after you add each item. Start with a blank face and add a bit of blush to lighten up the face overall. Then start with the eye make up. Experiment with different colors to see which makes the biggest impact with eye colors and then be sure to apply mascara as well.

Online make up games let you see the impact of different colors, textures and application styles. It’s an excellent training ground for those just learning about make up, and it also makes for a great opportunity to refine your skills and learn some new techniques if you’re an old hand.

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