Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How to Make Yourself Look Older

It’s only natural to use make up games to make yourself look older. Who wouldn’t want to be mistaken for someone who is cute, confident and maybe in high school or college instead of stuck in the seventh grade?

If you want to try your hand at creating an older look, take a few tips from a pro:

Cut the trends. Yes, high school girls wear two-tone eye shadow, too. But more girls in college or high school wear simple, more neutral colors instead. Create a more natural, neutral look to avoid sticking out like a sore thumb.

Use eye shadow and mascara. You want your eyes to stand out, so doctor them up with plenty of eye shadow and mascara. This will make your lashes and lids darker creating a more concentrated effect on the eyes – the most prominent part of the face.

Go with a dark lip gloss. Young girls tend to wear pink gloss, so skip the light pink in favor or a salmon or red this time. Darker lips often mean more confidence, which translates to an older individual. Just skip lipstick for now, it’s not what you need.

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