Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Got Shimmer?

If make up games are your thing, it’s likely you already know that glittery glam is very much on its way out. In its place is something much more refined and elegant – shimmer.

Where glitter was large splashes of shine and substance, shimmer is too subdued to be able to identify easily. It’s more like lightness on the face than a hard shine. Shimmer is found in all kinds of make up from foundations to eye shadows. Blush, lipsticks and brighteners all have a bit of shimmer to help your face brighten up and glow this summer.

If you’re not yet familiar with the concept of shimmer and how to use it, head to a favorite cosmetic counter to check out the items available. One of the sales ladies can assist you and explain what each does, but for the most part all traditional items work the same way, but have a bit more lightness to the tone they leave on your skin.

A stick of shimmer can be used to make your whole face look different. Apply a bit at the inside corners of your eyes and on the brow bone. Blend and your look is dazzling. It’s important to remember, however, that there can be too much of a good thing. Don’t overdo shimmer – it’s best in small doses.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Make Up Games: Fun with Face Painting

If you’re familiar with the basics of face painting, you can have great fun experimenting with different looks and designs. Face painting can be as simple as a rainbow on your cheek or much more complicated.

The Decoration
If you want to start small, simply add a small decoration to your face much like you would at the school carnival or football game. Only instead of your school colors, you can create a gold star in the middle of your forehead or a sweeping green dragon down the side of your face.

The Mask
For a special occasion, such as a dance, you might enjoy creating a full-blown face painting by drawing on a mask. Use light, airy colors and be sure to use plenty of glitter to make your face mask sparkle. Sweeps and curls are appropriate, and you can always add elements to your mask that match your gown or outfit for the evening. Think of Drew Barrymore in Ever After, and you’ll have an idea of how to start.

Something Unusual
There is no limit once you start experimenting with face painting. You can create the face of an animal using your colors, much like the actors in Cats, or you can color your entire face like a mime if you like. Be a clown for a day or do your best impression of the Tribal Jack Sparrow. Whatever you decide to do, you’ll be having fun!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Make Up Games: Face Painting Basics

If you love to play dress up and enjoy being different and creative with your look, it’s a wonder you haven’t already discovered the fun of face painting. Sure, you can get your face painted at the fall carnival, but those aren’t the only options when it comes to face painting – you can do your own face anyway you like, whenever you like.

Rather than choosing the poster paints that are so favored at school carnivals, opt for high quality theater paints or costume face paints that are sold every Halloween. You can sometimes find them outside of October if you look hard, otherwise head to a costume shop that will have the specialty item. Be sure to pick up some face and body glitter as well.

If you’re gifted, you’ll be able to paint a little something on your own face with the help of a mirror, but you might want to invite an artistic friend over for the first foray, at least. She’ll help you hold the mirror, paint in the hard spots and create a design.

Wash your face and apply plenty of moisturizer before beginning. When your skin is moist and ready, begin working with the crayons or paints to give yourself a bit of artistic flair the entire world can see and enjoy.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

How to Use Concealer

Almost every girl will need to know the secrets of concealer at some point. Concealer is a miracle worker when you have a spot or didn’t sleep well the night before and are now battling dark circles under your eyes.

Before you start using concealer, you must be sure you have the right shade. Concealer should be one shade lighter than your skin color. If your skin gets darker in the summer, you might actually have to own two concealers – one for pale skin in the winter, and one for bronzed skin in the summer.

Apply the concealer in small dabs – not swipes. Swiping concealer on under your eye will make you look like Rambo. Start with your eyes. Dot concealer on any dark circles you have under your eyes. You can also put a bit of concealer in the inside and outside corner or your eye if it’s light enough to act as a highlight.

Once you’ve dotted under your eye, use your finger to smooth it out and blend the concealer onto the dark area. Concealer should be applied after base, but before power. To cover spots, be sure the spot isn’t open as putting make-up in a bleeding area might cause an infection. Then, just dab on a little dot of concealer and smudge it into place with a finger. Always use your hands with concealer as it softens and smoothes more effectively with the warmth of your hands.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How to Make Yourself Look Older

It’s only natural to use make up games to make yourself look older. Who wouldn’t want to be mistaken for someone who is cute, confident and maybe in high school or college instead of stuck in the seventh grade?

If you want to try your hand at creating an older look, take a few tips from a pro:

Cut the trends. Yes, high school girls wear two-tone eye shadow, too. But more girls in college or high school wear simple, more neutral colors instead. Create a more natural, neutral look to avoid sticking out like a sore thumb.

Use eye shadow and mascara. You want your eyes to stand out, so doctor them up with plenty of eye shadow and mascara. This will make your lashes and lids darker creating a more concentrated effect on the eyes – the most prominent part of the face.

Go with a dark lip gloss. Young girls tend to wear pink gloss, so skip the light pink in favor or a salmon or red this time. Darker lips often mean more confidence, which translates to an older individual. Just skip lipstick for now, it’s not what you need.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Online Make Up Games

Not allowed to wear make up yet? It happens to the best of us. And when Mom and Dad have put their collective feet down, it’s time to take make up games to the next level. If you can put the make up on your real face, you can still certainly put it on a virtual face.

Online make up games offer you a lot more than you might realize. Rather than just clicking a color of eye shadow for a random girl online, you can make the make up game as basic or deluxe as you’d like. There are plenty of both available online.

In the more deluxe versions, you are able to upload a picture of your own face to use in the game. You will be able to brush on colors to your eyes, lips and mouth. Smooth away blemishes much like concealer and base would and then make your lashes darker and more luscious.

Even the basic make-up games can be highly personal. You get a choice of doll in most of the games and there are so many games available, you should be able to find a doll that looks a lot like you. Then you can apply make up to that doll and find the colors and application techniques that best suit you, too.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Summer Make up Games

It’s definitely summer, and this is the perfect time to open up that make-up kit and try new things. If you’re ready to tackle summer make up in a big way, try these on for a bit of heat and sizzle.

Shimmer – Throw a bit of shimmer on, but in very small doses. A sparkly lip gloss or a shimmery eye shadow can make you shine. Just remember that you’re not trying out for the part of shining sun in the summer play, so you don’t need to glisten and glow from every direction. A dot does a lot with shine.

Shade – If having a perfect tan is important to you, the sun won’t give you the one you need. In fact, a real sun tan will hurt you in a big way down the road. Instead, you should invest in an excellent self tanner. If you apply the tanner lightly and buy a product with an excellent reputation, you’ll be sure to find a beautiful bronze shade.

Subtle – Sometimes less is more. Wipe off all your make up and go naked for a bit. If you just can’t stand it, add a lip gloss and waterproof mascara, but that’s it. A bit of healthy breathing room can be really good for your pores.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Make Yourself Look Older with Makeup Games

Sometimes it’s hard waiting to grow up. If you’re having a hard time looking your age or are tired of people talking down to you, you can always play a make up game to see if you can look older.

Study magazines of girls the age you’d like to be. Pay attention to what makes them look that age. Is it their hair? Is it the kind of make-up they are wearing? It’s most likely both.

Start by doing your hair in a similar way to one of the girls in the magazine and then pull it up and out of the way. With the help of a friend or a really well-lit mirror, begin applying your make-up carefully.

You’ll want to highlight your best features and play up your eyes and mouth. Be sure you have the right shades of make-up for your skin tone so that you look experienced with make-up.

When your new face is on, you’ll look brighter than you did before and by playing up your features and paying a bit of attention to a more mature hairstyle, you might very well have put a few years on.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lip Liner Dos and Don’ts

If you want to make your lips look fuller and more luscious, a good lip liner can definitely help. Of course if you’re going to give lip liner a try in your make up games, you should know how to use it correctly.

Skip It for Full Lips – If you want to create full lips, lip liner is what you need. If you happen to already have full lips, you don’t need lip liner, and you can skip it in lieu of a great gloss.

Stay inside the Lines – It can be tempting to head outside the lines to make lips look larger, but they only really look larger if you cross your eyes a little when you look in the mirror. Otherwise, it looks like you traced a clown’s mouth on your lips. Stay in the lines!

Use a Natural Color – When you’re putting on lip liner, you want it to be as natural looking as possible. Your goal is to have full, luscious lips – not purple or brown ones. You’re young, so stick with youthful colors like peach and pink to give your mouth that kissable appearance.

Fill in with Gloss, Not LipstickIf you paint on the outside of your lips, you shouldn’t paint the inside, too. Use a gentle liner outside and then apply gloss to make your mouth shiny and sweet.