Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Make Up Games and Moisturizers

The most important part of your daily routine is using moisturizer after a good cleansing. Cleaning your face regularly is critical to the health of your skin, especially the hardworking skin on your face. Use a cleanser designed especially for faces. Look for one that is sensitive if you have sensitive skin or a heavier cleanser if you’re dealing with acne or oily skin.

Then, once your skin is clean and clear, use a non-greasy moisturizer every day. The moisture in the lotion you’re using will help your skin stay hydrated and fresh. Moisture and blocking the damaging effects of the sun are the most critical things you can do to keep your appearance youthful.

You can even go a step further than moisturizer. If you’re using moisturizer in the morning after washing your face, you should also wash your face in the evenings. When you apply moisturizer in the evenings, skip your normal daily moisturizer and opt for a night cream instead. Night creams are a richer cream that can absorb deeply into the face giving you a dewy, fresh appearance when you wake up.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Characteristics of Make Up Games

Make up games are one of the more popular forms of girl games online. Playing make up games is a great way to use your time online and to discover more than a few things about your personal make up style. Make up games often include putting various layers of make up on a doll face. But some versions allow you to put make up on your own face once you’ve imported your picture to the game system.

Make up games are educational. When you play make up games, you’re able to learn a great deal about how to apply various kinds of make up and to truly understand what a difference make up can make in your appearance. Granted, playing make up games too much might make you not as appreciative of natural beauty, but when you start with a beautiful fresh face, adding make up in certain degrees will only bring that beauty to center stage.

Make up games encourage creativity and exploration. As much as you might play with make up in your own bedroom, you simply can’t experiment at home as well as you can with make up games. With make up games you’re able to see instant results from adding a bit of blush or trying on a different kind of mascara. Make up games encourage you to try new things, to take away things you might take for granted and to explore the power of cosmetics.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Make Up Games and School

When you’re spending time at home this summer, gearing up for another school year, consider spending some of that precious downtime playing make up games. Make up games are a great way to practice your new make up look and to learn what is hot with various styles of make up. After all, nobody wants to head back to school without knowing the best make up looks.

Play Make Up Games Online
Before you rush off to buy new make up, spend some time playing make up games online. Read quite a bit on the various forums and websites dedicated to make up games and learn about various techniques and styles you can use to make it fun trying on new make up items. The more you play make up games online, the more likely you are to find the best shades of make up for your skin tone and age.

Practice Make Up Games
After you’ve learned quite a bit about make up games, you’ll need to practice your new skills. You have a few ways of doing this. You can work with the make up you already have using new techniques. You might also supplement your make up kit with a few new items, but make up can be expensive to buy. You might find yourself better of waiting and playing make up games with a friend who can share her make up with you.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Make Up Games and Preventing Breakouts

Acne and breakouts are a very big considering when playing make up games. If you plan on wearing even the lightest layer of make up, you’ll need to consider your skin’s condition and the reaction you can expect from covering your broken out skin in additional products.

Avoid oily make up when buying items for make up games. As a teen, your skin is already oily, and oily products will simply cause break outs. Look for products with sensitive skin labels or even ones that help to fight outbreaks.

Wash your face as soon as possible after wearing make up. The longer you leave make up on your face, the more likely it is to block your pores and trap dirt inside them. It is trapped toxins inside pores that cause many breakouts. Make it a point to wash your face every night and to use a make up remover around your eyes to be sure everything is removed completely.

Be weary of the cheap stuff. All make up is certainly not created equally. If you’re strapped for cash, it is far better to buy one great item than cheap make up that is more likely to cause a reaction.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Make Up Games and Eyelashes

When you’re playing make up games, there are several things you can do to bring your eyelashes into terrific focus. Working with eyelashes is tricky at times, but always rewarding.

Curling eyelashes – One of the easiest things you can do for your eyelashes is to curl them. Curling your lashes makes them stand out more and helps them appear longer, even before you apply mascara. To curl eyelashes, use one of the space-age style gizmos, and try your best to curl from the root of the lashes without pinching your eye.

Mascara – Learn to use mascara well and your eyelashes will also be prominent. A dark brown or black mascara will help to set off your eyes beautifully. If you’re going to be around water, strongly consider waterproof mascara to be sure those dark lashes stay put.

Fake Eyelashes – Finally, fake eyelashes might be exactly what you need to really create the look you’re after. Fake eyelashes are bold, but can be tricky to apply. Read the instructions carefully and look for instructional videos online before you try it yourself.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Make Up Games and Your Friends

As much as possible, play make up games with your friends. This will let you bond together as buddies, but at the same time, you’ll also have someone around to help you put the make up on and give you honest opinions about how it looks. When you have friends to help with make up games, you’re doing one of the most basic girly things out there – putting make up on together.

Everyone brings their make up kits and then starts putting make up on. Put on a lot or a little. Use fashion magazines to learn new tricks to putting on eyeliner and such. Get all glammed up to go nowhere, or even better, meet before a big event. If the big dance is coming up, why not have all of your friends come over together.

You can put on make up together and help each other get dressed. Have some snacks and drinks and play your music entirely too loud. This sort of thing is often even more fun than the event you’re trying to get to, and the best part of all is when dates arrive downstairs ready to take you away for something magical and fun.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Make Up Games and Hot Weather

When the weather’s hot, you need to take special considerations with your make up games. Make up games in the milder seasons are simple enough, but when the sun is high and the days are hot, you’re going to be dealing with two things – sun exposure and sweat.

When you get too much sun, you obviously run the risk of skin damage. But more immediately, if your skin is growing darker on your face thanks to a tan, your make up is still the same color. That means you’ll start to look a bit peaked with light makeup over a dark face. Avoid this by not wearing foundation or powder in the summer or buy them in a darker shade.

Sweat is a serious problem for make up games. When you sweat in the summer, even a little bit, you’ll likely be sweating off your makeup. In some cases, your make up can literally melt off. Look for make up that is waterproof or use powder often to try and soak up sweat and set the rest of your make up to keep your look in place.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Make Up Games and Breakouts

If you’ve been playing make up games with friends or just on your own at home, you hopefully haven’t experienced any break out from the games. Most people do just fine with any sort of make up, even the cheap versions, but others have a hard time using certain products.

Rashes – if your face has broken out into a rash, it likely means that you have an allergy or sensitivity to something in the make up. There are make ups made specifically for sensitive skin types and you might try those instead. Avoid make ups that are heavy and contain a lot of oil and fragrances. Look for make up games that are fragrance free, for sensitive skin. Your selection will be smaller in many brands, but there are actually entire brands that feature this sort of make up, so look for natural brands to see what items might work for you.

Acne – if you seem to be breaking out with acne after wearing make up, you might have any number of problems. The make up you’re using might be oily. If you’re using a make up that doesn’t say “oil free” you’re basically helping your skin get oiler. Oil gets into pores and sticks there making acne. Why would they manufacture make up that’s oily? Because as you age your skin dries out and you need more oil on it. Right now you most likely need less.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Waterproof Make Up Games

When you play make up games in the summer, you should make it a point to try and use as much water proof make up as possible. The reason is simple. In the summer, there is a lot of moisture that reaches your skin. Unfortunately it’s not all sea mist breezing in as we stroll romantically down the beach. In most cases, that moisture getting under your make up is sweat, pure and simple.

It’s depressing to think that you can spend thirty minutes creating a terrifically natural face of make up only to walk across a parking lot and have it all melt off again. The obvious solution is to put on the kind of make up that doesn’t melt off. And that would be waterproof makeup.

When you use water proof makeup, you will need to remember that it might feel a bit different on your face. This is because the consistency is different to accommodate the waterproof feature. It might feel tighter or like a mask. If you have a hard time wearing that sort of waterproof make up, simply try another brand. Often, the more expensive brands are more comfortable to wear.