Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Make Up Games and Your Mom

Why do moms like to interfere in make up games? They seem to have trouble picking out the best way to approach make up games with their teenage or preteen daughters and struggles over make up can be a challenge for the girls of the family to work though. Young girls will develop an interest in make up at some point. They will have time and most of them will have the money to buy the cosmetics they need to play make up games at home. Once they have mastered the art of the make up games at home, they will be ready to take their new look out into the world.

The best way I’ve seen to approach this is to not prevent the makeover and not necessarily help it along either in a big way. Make cosmetics available to young girls who want to play and teach your daughter how to use make up during these play sessions at home. As she grows older, the lessons learned before the doll fashion show will translate into her use as a teenager and then as an adult. By letting her buy her own make up and find her own personal look, you’ll be letting her make a statement about herself that is easy on both of you.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Playing Make Up Games at Home

If you’re curious to see what different looks you can make with make up games, don’t be afraid to experiment at home. Unless they give you an allergic reaction, cheap cosmetics give you a huge assortment of options without spending very much. The large make up kits that seem to spring up around the holidays as gift ideas are another fun way to play with different collections of make up without spending much at all for all the different items you need.

To play the make up games, you’re going to need to change your make up into different styles. Look up techniques and looks in magazines and online to see what looks best and what really works for you personally. Then try to copy the techniques and then enjoy the results. Once you’re finished with a look, take a picture and save it for later. If you take a lot of different pictures of your different looks, you can compare them at the end to see what really looks best.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Make Up Games and Lipstick

Lipstick is one of the first make up items that little girls ever get to experiment with. When you put on lipstick it makes you feel more polished and pretty – ready to take on the world with a pretty pink pout. When you play make up games, it is often lipstick that makes a difference in the way the final result looks. You can play make up games at home with your full make up collection. Simply try out different combinations and styles to see what looks good and what makes your personal style even better.

You can also play make up games online by trying out different make up looks on the dolls on the websites. It’s almost amazing how much difference it can make when you change the color of a doll’s lipstick. Start with something light and then try out something a bit bolder. The final result is impressive with each color change. If you’re inspired, you can always head over to your vanity and give your own make up a try to see if the same color scheme works for you, too.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Your Mom and Make Up Games

No mother wants to see her little girls growing up. But girls do grow and as they do, it’s inevitable that they will at least be interested in make up games and want to learn how to use make up correctly. When this happens, some mothers start a series of lesson or tutorials while others seem to buckle down. If you’re lucky enough to have a mother who is willing to teach you all that she knows about how to create a fresh and beautiful face, enjoy yourself and your good luck. The rest of us aren’t always so lucky.

If you’re on the other side of the spectrum with a mother who feels that any age is too young to event think about make up and perhaps has a comment to make about any amount of make up you wear, you’re going to have to tough it out. Get a friend to show you how to put on make up if you haven’t figured it out from videos and shows or head to the local make up counter so that you can have an expert apply it for you as she shows you what to use. Make up can be expensive to buy, so start with a few basics and add elements to your collection as your budget allows.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Make Up Games and Eyelashes

Your eyelashes are one of the most fragile area of the body, yet they have an amazing ability to make your eyes truly pop and sparkle. Eyelashes are there for a basic purpose – they protect your eyes from any number of things that might fall into your eye. The tightly packed lashes frame the eye to keep them safe and sound from irritants, but we use that dark lashes to help beautify our face as well.

Mascara highlights our lashes by making them darker and more dramatic. When lashes are highlighted, the eyes on your face stand out making them appear bigger and more appealing. Larger eyes are linked to more attractive faces and making your eyes dramatic is exactly what you’re trying to achieve there. The end result is a set of beautiful eyes framed by dark, lush lashes that may or may not have started out that way. Regardless of whether your beautiful lashes are granted by mother nature, glued on or simply enhanced with a bit of mascara, enjoy them – it’s part of being young and beautiful.